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goal model中文是什么意思

用"goal model"造句"goal model"怎么读"goal model" in a sentence


  • 目标模式


  • Goal model on system reform of the urban public healthcare facilities in china
  • Simultaneously , the authors establish the network ' s multi - goal model by synthesizing the existing optimum models
  • The path - goal model proposes two classes of contingency variables ? those in the environment and those that are part of the personal characteristics of the subordinate
  • The article content includes the goal model of curriculum assessment , assessment with the policy - making connection concept , the process model of curriculum develops with assessment as well as the research model curriculum develops with assessment
  • Zhang lixia ( water conservancy engineering ) supervised by professor shi kebin this paper mainly discussed a method for multi - goal network ' s optimization . since the network plan was brought forward , the criterion for evaluating network was time cost resource all along . in this paper , through massive study on achievements the predecessors had done the author posed a new criterion : quality , and set up the network ' s quality model ; simultaneously , the author established the network ' s multi - goal model by synthesizing the existing optimum models , also found the finite not bad solution of the model ; because the four goals was in contradiction with each other , using the multi - goal decision theory can optimize the network project scientifically and objectively
用"goal model"造句  


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